Resultados: 14

    Estratégias para promoção da saúde mental de residentes na área da saúde: resumo para políticas (policy brief): Projeto Residências
    Strategies for promoting mental health in healthcare residents: policy brief: Residency Project

    Durante o período da residência em saúde espera-se que os residentes equilibrem aprendizado, atendimento aos pacientes, ensino e gestão de serviços superlotados ao longo das jornadas de trabalho. As demandas dessa modalidade de treinamento têm sido associadas com redução da qualidade do sono, dim...

    Caminhos em Saúde Mental
    Paths in Mental Health

    Desenvolvido entre março e dezembro de 2020, pelo Instituto Cactus em parceria com o Instituto Veredas, o levantamento Caminhos em Saúde Mental oferece um complexo entendimento a respeito do campo da saúde mental, incluindo seu histórico e estruturas no Brasil. Para isso, consideramos os consensos pr...

    Impacto del cierre de escuelas en el comportamiento epidemiológico de la enfermedad COVID-19 y en la salud física y mental de los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Síntesis rápida
    Impact of school closings on the epidemiological behavior of COVID-19 and on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. Fast synthesis

    La evidencia es controvertida sobre el rol que los niños juegan en la transmisión de COVID-19, pero se conoce que ellos, en su mayoría, tienen síntomas más leves que los adultos. Aunque los gobiernos vienen instaurando medidas de cierre de escuelas para disminuir la transmisión de la enfermedad, re...

    Burnout e problemas de saúde mental entre profissionais da saúde: uma resposta rápida
    Burnout and mental health issues among health care workers: a rapid response

    Quais são as causas e como enfrentar de forma efetiva o Burnout e problemas de saúde mental de profissionais de saúde? E no contexto da COVID-19? Para responder à pergunta, foi realizado um levantamento de revisões sistemáticas que descrevessem o Burnout e problemas de saúde mental entre profissio...

    Mapa de Evidência: efetividade clínica das Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterapia para Saúde Mental e Qualidade de Vida

    O mapa apresenta uma visão geral das evidências sobre os efeitos das Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterapia para Saúde Mental e Qualidade de Vida. A partir de uma ampla busca bibliográfica foram incluídos no mapa 37 estudos de revisão sistemática. Todos os estudos foram avaliados, caracterizados e categ...

    Mental health, men and culture: how do sociocultural constructions of masculinities relate to men’s mental health help-seeking behaviour in the WHO European Region?

    Men are less likely than women to seek help for mental health issues and are much more likely to commit suicide. This scoping review examined recent evidence published in English and Russian on the role of socially constructed masculinity norms in men’s help-seeking behaviour for mental health issues. ...

    Identifying and assessing core components of collaborative-care models for treating mental and physical health conditions

    Improvements in science, technology, nutrition and social care have meant that with few exceptions, populations in low-, medium- and high-income countries are living longer, and this trend is expected to continue into the future. This increase in life expectancy has resulted in more people living with ch...

    Examining the impact of and approaches to addressing the needs of people living with mental health issues

    Mental health presents one of the highest disability burdens on the planet, but it has not historically received a corresponding amount of attention in research and policy arenas. Developing mental health strategies and other policies with an understanding of what the research evidence on the issue says ...

    Issue brief (student-led): addressing student mental health needs at McMaster University

    McMaster University has many excellent programs and services in place to address student mental health needs. These services are offered through the Student Affairs office that is responsible for presenting McMaster students with opportunities to “discover, learn, and grow.”(4) Mental health services...

    Strengthening the health system for mental health in Zambia

    The problem: Although mental illness constitutes a large proportion of the burden of disease in Zambia, it receives inadequate attention. Mental health was not among the twelve priority areas in the National Health development plan and was not provided for in the basic package of services defined by the ...